Sunday, December 25, 2011

Physiological Factors that Cause Female Hair Loss

Causes for female hair loss are somewhat different than those typically found in men, and the emotional effects can be quite different as well. Female hair loss affects about one-third of all susceptible women and usually onsets after menopause although it can begin earlier. It appears that hormone imbalances or fluctuations are responsible for most female hair loss, including those who have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), recent pregnancy, menopause, or birth-control side effects.

The most common causes of hair loss in women include inherited genes, temporary metabolic problems associated with pregnancy, unusual stress, chemotherapy, crash diets/anorexia, thyroid hormone deficiency, major surgery, severe infection or high fever. Braiding, cornrows, tight ponytails, and extensions are the most common styling causes. There also may be some sort of trigger that initially causes the onset of hair loss, perhaps a virus or an environment contaminant. Nevertheless, severe or protracted stress from emotional, physical, chemical, or dietary causes can wreak havoc on many of the body’s vital hormones.

It’s estimated that nearly 30 per cent of all people suffering from hair loss or hair loss symptoms and in need of hair loss treatments are indeed women. Treatments for permanent female hair loss include medications and follicular unit transplantation procedures.

Treatments for female hair loss such as lifestyle alterations, balanced diet and exercise, stopping of hormone therapy or birth control medicines may also be sufficient to induce the reversal of hair loss. Your aim should be to seek the best professional advice and female hair loss treatments in order to achieve optimum results.

Most cases of hair loss in women are due to inherited female pattern balding, but medical conditions can also be involved, such as low thyroid levels, hormonal imbalances such as elevated testosterone, binge dieting, and pregnancy. The right vitamins and minerals can also work to promote the proper functioning of your thyroids and keep oestrogen levels in the proper balance.

In women, having an over-active or under-active thyroid gland may cause thinning hair. Treating the thyroid disease will usually help this type of female hair loss.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hair Loss: What Are the Causes and What to Do?

Hair loss is a very common problem. Many people suffer from this condition, which can have a very negative emotional outcome and create anxiety and stress, both in men and women.

But what are its causes?

• Heredity: Hair loss can be inherited from either the mother’s or the father’s side of the family.

• Post-Pregnancy: Some women experience hair loss a month or two after childbirth because of changes in the production levels of certain hormones that affect hair growth.

• Illness or excessive stress: Sometimes the problem appears due to illness, severe stress, loss of weight and iron deficiency. Also, those who suffer from thyroid disorders are likely to suffer from this condition.

• Bad habits: Compulsive hair pulling and wearing pigtails or using tight rollers can cause a condition called traction alopecia. This condition is reversible only if the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops. You also need to avoid frequently using hot oil treatments or chemicals because they can lead to scalp inflammation.

• Diet: Baldness may be caused by poor nutrition. More often than not, iron deficiency can lead to this condition, and for this reason, you should check the iron levels in your body and take a supplement, if necessary.

So how can I reverse baldness naturally?

Your diet is a very important factor. Studies show that baldness and the quality of the food we eat are inextricably linked and that people who don’t eat enough food with certain nutrients tend to lose their hair at a faster rate than others. Malnutrition and rapid weight loss are 2 situations that can equate to insufficient intake of vitamins, which can trigger baldness. What is more, low water intake is associated with poor health and with an increased risk of baldness.

The most important nutrients for hair health are vitamins A, C and E, copper and zinc, iron and folic acid. Vitamin A is essential for the good health of the scalp. It’s found in meat, fish, carrots, green leafy vegetables, pumpkins, apricots and peaches.

Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen and has antioxidant properties. Fruits (especially citrus) and vegetables (celery, peppers, carrots) are good sources of vitamin C. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and is found in vegetable oils, nuts, eggs and some cereals. Copper and zinc are useful in protein synthesis. Foods rich in zinc are seafood and mushrooms.

Copper is found in many legumes and in dark chocolate. Iron is a vital element for healthy hair. Dietary sources of iron are liver and red meat and also spinach and lentils. Folic acid holds a key role in the replication of cells including those of the hair. Foods rich in folic acid are red meat, beans, cabbage and lettuce.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Natural and Abnormal Hair Loss

Many people in the world today, whether teenagers or adults, suffer from hair loss problems. Relax, folks! This is a completely normal and natural phenomenon. On an average, men and women lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair each day. However, beyond this average is considered to be a problematic scalp condition.

People with excessive hair fall or hair loss then keep on experimenting with various hair regrowth methods such as the use of harsh chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs and even surgery. But often these methods prove to be ineffective or too costly.

Hair loss is one thing that disturbs both men and women. Before you get panicky, however, you should know that it’s not the end of the world for you. Hair loss is indeed problematic for most people, but the good thing is that there are many natural and medicinal remedies available. These days, many hair growth treatments are available in abundance in the market. All you need to do is to choose the right kind of treatment that will suit your type of hair loss.

Having healthy and lustrous hair is an indication of good inner health. To have beautiful and thick hair, intake of a nutritious diet and proper care of hair are needed. Before going into detail on how to prevent excessive hair fall, we should first discuss the most possible reasons of hair loss.

Some of the common hair loss reasons are stress, frequent hairstyling, genetics, hormonal imbalance, medications, unhealthy diet and over-exposure of hair to the sun. We all are different and have unique needs and hormone levels and enzymes; therefore, our hair and scalp react differently to various treatments. A certain product may be effective for one individual in stopping hair loss and stimulating hair regrowth, but ineffective for another.

Keep in mind that obtaining hair growth is not something that will happen overnight, it requires complete attention and products that can help you with it.