Sunday, December 25, 2011

Physiological Factors that Cause Female Hair Loss

Causes for female hair loss are somewhat different than those typically found in men, and the emotional effects can be quite different as well. Female hair loss affects about one-third of all susceptible women and usually onsets after menopause although it can begin earlier. It appears that hormone imbalances or fluctuations are responsible for most female hair loss, including those who have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), recent pregnancy, menopause, or birth-control side effects.

The most common causes of hair loss in women include inherited genes, temporary metabolic problems associated with pregnancy, unusual stress, chemotherapy, crash diets/anorexia, thyroid hormone deficiency, major surgery, severe infection or high fever. Braiding, cornrows, tight ponytails, and extensions are the most common styling causes. There also may be some sort of trigger that initially causes the onset of hair loss, perhaps a virus or an environment contaminant. Nevertheless, severe or protracted stress from emotional, physical, chemical, or dietary causes can wreak havoc on many of the body’s vital hormones.

It’s estimated that nearly 30 per cent of all people suffering from hair loss or hair loss symptoms and in need of hair loss treatments are indeed women. Treatments for permanent female hair loss include medications and follicular unit transplantation procedures.

Treatments for female hair loss such as lifestyle alterations, balanced diet and exercise, stopping of hormone therapy or birth control medicines may also be sufficient to induce the reversal of hair loss. Your aim should be to seek the best professional advice and female hair loss treatments in order to achieve optimum results.

Most cases of hair loss in women are due to inherited female pattern balding, but medical conditions can also be involved, such as low thyroid levels, hormonal imbalances such as elevated testosterone, binge dieting, and pregnancy. The right vitamins and minerals can also work to promote the proper functioning of your thyroids and keep oestrogen levels in the proper balance.

In women, having an over-active or under-active thyroid gland may cause thinning hair. Treating the thyroid disease will usually help this type of female hair loss.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hair Loss: What Are the Causes and What to Do?

Hair loss is a very common problem. Many people suffer from this condition, which can have a very negative emotional outcome and create anxiety and stress, both in men and women.

But what are its causes?

• Heredity: Hair loss can be inherited from either the mother’s or the father’s side of the family.

• Post-Pregnancy: Some women experience hair loss a month or two after childbirth because of changes in the production levels of certain hormones that affect hair growth.

• Illness or excessive stress: Sometimes the problem appears due to illness, severe stress, loss of weight and iron deficiency. Also, those who suffer from thyroid disorders are likely to suffer from this condition.

• Bad habits: Compulsive hair pulling and wearing pigtails or using tight rollers can cause a condition called traction alopecia. This condition is reversible only if the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops. You also need to avoid frequently using hot oil treatments or chemicals because they can lead to scalp inflammation.

• Diet: Baldness may be caused by poor nutrition. More often than not, iron deficiency can lead to this condition, and for this reason, you should check the iron levels in your body and take a supplement, if necessary.

So how can I reverse baldness naturally?

Your diet is a very important factor. Studies show that baldness and the quality of the food we eat are inextricably linked and that people who don’t eat enough food with certain nutrients tend to lose their hair at a faster rate than others. Malnutrition and rapid weight loss are 2 situations that can equate to insufficient intake of vitamins, which can trigger baldness. What is more, low water intake is associated with poor health and with an increased risk of baldness.

The most important nutrients for hair health are vitamins A, C and E, copper and zinc, iron and folic acid. Vitamin A is essential for the good health of the scalp. It’s found in meat, fish, carrots, green leafy vegetables, pumpkins, apricots and peaches.

Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen and has antioxidant properties. Fruits (especially citrus) and vegetables (celery, peppers, carrots) are good sources of vitamin C. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and is found in vegetable oils, nuts, eggs and some cereals. Copper and zinc are useful in protein synthesis. Foods rich in zinc are seafood and mushrooms.

Copper is found in many legumes and in dark chocolate. Iron is a vital element for healthy hair. Dietary sources of iron are liver and red meat and also spinach and lentils. Folic acid holds a key role in the replication of cells including those of the hair. Foods rich in folic acid are red meat, beans, cabbage and lettuce.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Natural and Abnormal Hair Loss

Many people in the world today, whether teenagers or adults, suffer from hair loss problems. Relax, folks! This is a completely normal and natural phenomenon. On an average, men and women lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair each day. However, beyond this average is considered to be a problematic scalp condition.

People with excessive hair fall or hair loss then keep on experimenting with various hair regrowth methods such as the use of harsh chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs and even surgery. But often these methods prove to be ineffective or too costly.

Hair loss is one thing that disturbs both men and women. Before you get panicky, however, you should know that it’s not the end of the world for you. Hair loss is indeed problematic for most people, but the good thing is that there are many natural and medicinal remedies available. These days, many hair growth treatments are available in abundance in the market. All you need to do is to choose the right kind of treatment that will suit your type of hair loss.

Having healthy and lustrous hair is an indication of good inner health. To have beautiful and thick hair, intake of a nutritious diet and proper care of hair are needed. Before going into detail on how to prevent excessive hair fall, we should first discuss the most possible reasons of hair loss.

Some of the common hair loss reasons are stress, frequent hairstyling, genetics, hormonal imbalance, medications, unhealthy diet and over-exposure of hair to the sun. We all are different and have unique needs and hormone levels and enzymes; therefore, our hair and scalp react differently to various treatments. A certain product may be effective for one individual in stopping hair loss and stimulating hair regrowth, but ineffective for another.

Keep in mind that obtaining hair growth is not something that will happen overnight, it requires complete attention and products that can help you with it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Going Organic for Healthy Hair Growth

Hair grows differently from one person to another. But the rate of hair growth can be improved if people know to how to properly care for their mane and use the right products.

Using a shampoo is important in cleaning the hair. Today, there are specially formulated shampoos that not only clean but promote hair growth as well. Many brands are in the market nowadays but what matters most is being able to pick the one that suits your hair type.

The attitude shouldn’t be to just try out the most popular or most expensive shampoo because in the end, you still might not get the results you want. If you choose the one that fits your hair type, you’ll have a greater chance of keeping your mane healthy and even boosting its growth.

Mild and gentle shampoos are the most ideal to use. This is highly recommended for people experiencing hair loss so as not to damage their hair and scalp any further.

Organic shampoos have lesser chemicals that are commonly used in the traditional man-made shampoos. They are known as organic because they only use natural ingredients that can properly nourish the hair and make it grow faster. These products include some of the famous herbs.

• Chamomile – known as a hair tonic, this helps in keeping the hair shiny and strengthening it to prevent split ends.

• Thyme – this is helpful in nourishing the scalp and preventing dandruff.

• Rosemary – stimulates the hair follicles to promote proper hair growth and helps prevent dandruff as well.

• Lavender – cleans and soothes the scalp as well as gives a nice smell.

• Aloe vera – this helps nourish the scalp and promotes hair growth. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties as well.

• Jojoba – removes blockages from the follicles and hastens hair growth.

• Soy protein – boosts hair growth and improves volume.

The following are other considerations when looking for a hair growth product:

• It contains amino acids and botanicals to help hasten hair growth.
• Nourishes the roots of the hair to make them grow properly and healthy. It also contains vitamins to stimulate hair growth.
• It not only helps hair grow healthier but strengthens it and gives it a unique shine. It contains moisturizers and emollients for gentle cleansing and nourishing.

Also, it is best to seek the advice and help of a hair care professional or a hair loss expert in choosing a hair growth product.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Searching and Researching for the Ultimate Baldness Remedy

Scientists at the Berlin Technical University revealed they had grown the world’s first artificial hair follicles from stem cells.

The leader of the research team claimed that within five years, millions of hair loss sufferers could grow new hair from their own stem cells and have it implanted into their bald spots.

A study by the University of Pennsylvania suggested that bald men were not bald at all — it was simply that their stem cells were producing growths too fine to be visible to the human eye. According to the team leader, Dr. George Cotsarelis, ‘The fact that there are normal numbers of stem cells in a bald scalp gives us hope for reactivating those stem cells’.

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that a chemical called astressin-B showed ‘astounding’ results for hair regrowth after one jab per day for just five days. The tests were on mice, but the researchers were confident that a cure for baldness could be found in 5 to 10 years.

A British company announced that their scientists had pioneered a brand new technology to combat hair loss. The new technology had ‘been designed to improve hair growth and even re-awaken dormant hair follicles’. The company claimed to have developed a new ‘growth factor complex’ (sh-VEGF) which would stimulate hair follicle growth on balding scalps.

Taken together, this seemed to herald a revolution. Over the years, there has been no shortage of unrealistic headlines promising an end to baldness — but most of this new research seemed to emanate from respectable academic institutions, and all of them seemed to be promising the same thing: the end of baldness.

Even if the research proved to be disappointing in the long run, there appeared to be other developments in the world of hair repair taking place, too — not in biochemistry, but in the technology of hair weaving and transplants.

There were rumours that a new hair transplant technique — FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, which transplants follicles from the back of the head one by one instead of in a long strip — used robot technology to enable thousands of follicles to be replanted at once, thus producing a more sophisticated and convincing result. Perhaps a new crop of hair could be bought, right now, without having to wait for genetic science to take the necessary leap forward.

Why does baldness matter so much to men? Stories of men — and women — becoming suicidal after hair loss are not uncommon. This is not just about looks, but mortality, the passage of time.

It is a paradigm of ageing, a signal of loss of control over our bodies on a continuum with, say, losing the ability to stand up or the loss of a faculty. We suddenly become describable as just an old biddy or an old fool. Baldness quickly swallows up a person, like ‘just’ a fat person or an ill person.

Therefore, it is no wonder that experiments, research, and clinic trials have become a constant in the hair restoration industry.

Monday, November 14, 2011

3 Tips to Head Off further Hair Loss

There are few things more discomforting than shedding your full head of hair. You may feel like you might be looking at someone else in the mirror if you have a bald spot. You are looking older and your sense of self is becoming distorted. This situation is challenging if you feel insecure because of your bald spot. The restoration of hair is not an overnight process. People have been worried about it, but the process takes time regardless of the method chosen.

It’s not only the older folks that go bald. Age is not a limiting factor for the tendency to go bald. Hair loss may be due to environmental, lifestyle and hereditary factors. There are several strategies you can consider if you want to regain your hair.

1. Precautions

Proper nutrition has done many people a world of good. Your hair is affected by your moods and the amount of proteins and vitamins in your diet. Pressure can contribute to hair loss faster. This is due to biochemical changes that happen inside the body due to stress. Place air filters so that your environment is clean enough and contributes to good health. A filthy environment will lead to more problems besides hair loss.

You may try modifying the way in which you make use of hair products. Hair loss may be due to the usage of shampoo that is extremely strong in formulation. Natural products work well for this purpose. Crush some aloe vera and apply to your hair on the days that you’re not applying your strong anti-dandruff shampoo.

2. Topical Applications

If you look at all the hair thinning products out there, you will find out that there are a few effective ones. But there are some other people who can’t use these things. One reason is antipathy reaction to drugs. It has been discussed that folks applying thinning hair medication for the first time can experience mild problems like undesired hair growth on the other parts of the body. Eye irritation may also be a sign that you are allergic to the product. Some other folks also feel like vomiting or feel woozy all of a sudden. When you recurrently use the product, try not using it for a while to check if the symptoms will go away.

3. Laser and Grafting

Contemporary technology has allowed other people to have their hair restored using laser technology and surgery. There are benefits and disadvantages to these means, of course. Grafting is a process that involves implanting active hair follicles to replace lifeless ones. Some hair roots may still be revived, but need a supplementary therapy to reactivate them. These dormant follicles are treated with laser therapy to stimulate them. When the follicles are healthy again, hair will grow out normally.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Hair Piece for Her Peace of Mind

If we discuss hair loss in ladies, it can be a very reserved and almost ‘taboo’ subject as baldness and hair thinning are most commonly related to men. This is not to say that girls deny having problems with hair loss, just that it is not regarded as something which women typically experience; and consequently, it is a subject that should be addressed with the utmost delicacy and privacy. There are a handful of extremely effective hair loss treatments for women — solutions available on the market through which can alleviate much of the concern and embarrassment associated with this problem.

Female hair loss treatment often entails an initial consultation with a specialist hair replacement consultant who is able to talk to the consumer in complete privacy about their condition and alleviate any fears they can have about thinning hair or hair replacement therapy. This consultation takes place in a quiet, relaxing environment where the client can feel confident to talk about her circumstances.

Secondly, once the client is happy to proceed with hair replacement, a custom-made hair piece is crafted to consider the individual’s natural hair density, colour and growth patterns. This will then be fitted at a future appointment and the client will be pleasantly surprised about the general look that this hair loss treatment for women can provide.

Many clients believe that non-surgical hair replacement offers them back the confidence they started to lose when their hair began receding. Many women experiencing hair loss notice that their self-esteem lowers and they won’t want to go out as much as they previously had. With a new hair piece looking as natural as if it were their natural hair, they’ll soon want to be going out and showing off their proud fresh look.

Female hair loss treatment is becoming increasingly common as women realise that they do not have to suffer this embarrassing and delicate condition and that very effective solutions are easy to come by and come at affordable prices.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hair Regrowth Products: Sure, They’re Effective, but Are They Safe?

The effectiveness or efficacy of hair regrowth products in improving or solving hair loss problems largely depends on the type of hair loss. In other words, it depends on the cause of a particular hair loss type. Often, the solutions to woman’s and man’s hair loss vary or take on different approaches. The medical science of hair loss treatment has a rather long history. Research in this field did not begin last year or two years ago.

The longstanding research in hair loss has given today’s men and women various options of treatment. Medical treatments today have high success rate in stopping or slowing down hair loss, even in regrowing hair. Likewise, hair regrowth products have taken on a similar path of development over the years. The important question to consider is not so much whether or not the treatments and products do work; rather, the more vital issue underlying today’s hair regrowth products and treatments boils down to the safety issue.

When we talk about the safety of hair regrowth products or hair loss treatments, we are not referring to the issue of life and death. A more valid issue is the long-term safety aspects of the products and treatments. This is a very valid and important aspect.

A similar analogy will be that of birth-control pills. Back in the early days of birth-control science, the drugs prescribed were effective in the prevention of conceiving a child. However, the tragic story was the horrible consequences of some of the birth-controls pills, which were only known years and years later. Therefore, it is important for you to know as much as possible about the safety of hair regrowth products and hair loss treatments.

Bear in mind that there are many products which utilize a variety of chemicals. The chemical ingredients can cause harmful effects, including damaging the hair and scalp. Other chemicals may not damage your hair and scalp directly, but you need to understand and be aware of the consequences of introducing chemicals into your body though they may bring about effective results in terms of stopping hair loss.

Most of the chemicals used in hair loss products attempt to interfere with the hair loss process, thereby bringing about the reduction in hair loss. Such mode of action does work and produce results. However, you need to know that the reduction of hair loss in this case is not due to treatment of the root cause.

Furthermore, it is also not a good practice to interfere body processes through the action of inhibition. Some hair regrowth products are also not targeting the source but they work on the principle of supplementation of needed nutrients. This latter scenario is much more favorable to one’s body balance and health.

Most hair regrowth products in the market are based on research. If the products are FDA approved and/or recommended by the American Hair Loss Association, then chances are they have attained a certain level of safety assurance for consumer use.

Finally, here are some final tips for choosing your hair regrowth products:

• Avoid chemical-based hair growth products
• Check for any safety assurance on the label or insert
• Make sure the hair regrowth products have proper approval and certification
• If you do have the choice, always go for hair regrowth products which utilize natural ingredients

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Female Hair Loss: For the Right Treatment, Find the Root Cause

There are two schools of thought on female hair loss treatments. One school is the use of a drug-based treatment such as minoxidil. Over-the-counter hair treatment drugs have proven to work in many cases but also may have side effects. The other drawback is that when a woman stops using it, thinning hair or hair loss can resume.

The other school of thought is to use a natural treatment that is rubbed or sprayed onto the scalp, and augment it with natural nutritionally complete vitamins and minerals specially made for healthy hair growth. There are many natural treatments available to the woman looking for a good solution to her hair loss.

Whichever hair loss treatment method a woman chooses, she should take heart, because there are solutions to female hair loss for her to choose from.

Prior to looking into treatments for female hair loss, it would be a good idea to try to determine the root cause of the condition. There are things that can increase a woman’s hair loss such as such as dyes, tight braiding, excessive hairstyling, or brushing the hair while wet, and blow drying and ironing.

Other causes could be hormone imbalance, pregnancy, anemia, stress, severe illness, trauma, surgery, an under-active or over-active thyroid, psoriasis, and crash diets. Another cause could be a poor diet that doesn’t supply the proper nutritional building blocks that the body needs to grow hair and keep it full, shiny and healthy.

There are other factors that can cause a woman’s hair loss such as heredity, chemical pollution, infections, illness and medications.

Hair loss can be a bigger problem to a woman than to a man. A woman who loses her hair can suffer real self-esteem issues. So a woman needs to find the root cause for the hair loss and then decide on a good workable hair loss treatment as quickly as possible. Be aware that all hair loss treatments do take time.

The sooner the root cause of hair loss is determined, a good hair loss treatment is then immediately started; in turn, the quicker new hair will appear.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Alternative Hair Loss Treatments: A Science or a Mere Art?

Quite a number of alternative hair loss treatments continue to exist as an art as its products and ways can be defined by purposeful, creative interpretations of limitless concepts or ideas that can be used. It has a lot to prove if it is to enter the precise and accurate realm of science.

It may be comprised of scientific products in itself but when used in the context of its intended purpose as a hair loss treatment mainly with creativity and in the absence of clinical trials and empirical evidences, it remains an art.

Alternative hair loss treatments cover a wide range of treatments including so-called natural products, herbs, vitamins, scalp massagers, etc. People have been chasing these miracle cures for thousands of years without much success. Indeed, alternative remedies have been used for more than 200 years in Western culture to address health problems.

Traditional approaches to medicine and health in Chinese, Indian, and many other cultures go back even further. And a large number of them directly address the loss of hair. Sadly, while some of them may be effective, still these lack the ability to prove their worth. The main barrier to the effective use of this treatment as a science is that most researches and clinical trials in support of such treatments have not been accurately documented.

You might be the kind of person who looks for natural alternatives to pharmaceutical products. Perhaps you are skeptical about medicines that could cause more harm than good. So it may make sense for you to consider this kind of treatment in your approach to preventing and treating hair loss. There is no reason not to consider alternative hair loss treatments. But the consumers must be made aware that its positive results may not apply to everyone as we respond differently to certain stimuli.

Moreover, since most alternative hair loss treatments still have room for error, be educated on how things work and how to find qualified practitioners who can safely and effectively deliver treatments.

For many people, baldness, alopecia or commonly known as hair loss could be a devastating problem. The tough part is there is no cure when it comes to baldness. However, targeting the root cause of your problem can be a good way to find the right treatment for your baldness or hair thinning problem.

By blocking the production of DHT, which causes the hair follicle to become small, weak and inactive, the hair follicle gets a new life through better blood circulation and proper nutrients. New and healthy hair emerges from the follicle and the process of producing new and healthy hair continues. This is an important part of hair growth and treatment of thinning hair.

Hair loss in women can be cured in various treatment forms. There are oral drugs, topical solutions, and surgery; but all these come with harmful side effects, risks, and high costs. A viable alternative is the use of hair loss products with organic-based ingredients and plant extracts.

In addition to biotin, you can take other B vitamins to stop hair loss. Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, helps with circulation at the scalp which promotes hair regrowth.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Female Hair Loss: Causes and Coping Mechanisms

It is often said that a woman’s hair is her richest ornament, and with good reason. A woman’s beautiful locks complement her beauty and appeal. It is one of the aspects that makes her desirable to the opposite gender. For women, hair and beauty go hand in hand, and this opinion has prevailed over the millennia.

As you can imagine, hair loss in women could be a frustrating experience. Nearly every woman, without exception, is devastated when she experiences symptoms of a problematic scalp condition such as sudden hair fall, hair thinning, and excessive hair loss. Female hair loss can manifest itself as slight thinning or excessive and total hair loss, or somewhere in between. Hair loss can be chronic like androgenetic alopecia, which happens mostly in men, or it could be erratic and short-term such as alopecia areata and telogen effluvium.

Female hair loss is triggered by a number of factors. Commonly, hair loss in women develops because of hormonal imbalances (often with androgens) or due to genetic predisposition. Research has shown that females who suffer from hair loss have higher levels of the androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT leads to the development of secondary sexual traits like deep voice and facial hair in males. Therefore, females with higher DHT levels mostly have excess body hair and also suffer from varying degrees of hair loss. Moreover, irregular menstrual periods, pregnancy, and menopause are all believed to have some correlation to hair loss in women. Stress is also known to trigger and aggravate the condition.

Regardless of degree, hair loss in women causes grief, anxiety and even depression. The social stigma associated with alopecia is irritating. A large fraction of adult women who are experiencing hair loss try to avoid social events because of decreased self-worth. Not only does hair loss in women cause distress, it can be economically draining too. Females suffering from hair loss spend a substantial amount of their income on treatment, some even quit their jobs.

Fortunately, female hair loss is treatable. Effective stress management will definitely prevent exacerbation and long-term recurrence. Steroid injections and contact sensitization therapy are particularly helpful for people with alopecia areata. Anti-androgens and hair growth stimulants are almost always prescribed for women with a clear diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia, or female pattern baldness.

Self-medication might worsen the problem. Seeking expert advice before starting any treatment is not just wise but absolutely essential.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Regrow Hair with Rosemary Oil

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There are many people around the world who use rosemary herb in their kitchen, especially for Italian dishes. Food with rosemary can help increase liver function and relieve upset stomachs. Rosemary herb is not just useful in the kitchen, but this herb has also been shown to assist with a range of beauty concerns, especially to assist in improving hair growth.

You can get rosemary oil from the distillation of rosemary leaves. This oil is of a minty-balsamic aroma that is pleasant and therapeutic. The properties of rosemary oil include the following: astringent, antimicrobial, antioxidant, analgesic, digestive, carminative, antiseptic, restorative, tonic and stimulating.

One of benefits of rosemary oil for hair is stimulating hair growth. It has been used by many cultures for centuries for many medicinal and therapeutic reasons. Some people say that rosemary oil cannot stimulate hair growth; however, there are still many people who use this herbal oil to prevent hair loss and baldness. The Italians, Spanish, and French have been using rosemary oil for hair regrowth for centuries; they usually use rosemary oil in a hair rinse and conditioner.

How Rosemary Oil Promotes Hair Growth

Rosemary oil can stimulate division of cells and dilate vessels of blood, and in line, stimulates hair follicles into creating new hair growth. Rosemary oil is not the only necessary oil that can improve hair growth.

Rosemary Uses for Hair Growth

There are many hair care products containing rosemary oil such as rosemary oil shampoo and conditioner, rosemary supplements, rosemary lotions. You can use rosemary oil shampoo to wash and condition your hair, or just massage rosemary oil onto the scalp to stimulate hair growth. You can combine rosemary oil with other essential oils to treat other scalp and hair problems such as tea tree oil, or you can substitute with other hair-growth stimulants like sage, geranium, lemon, or cypress essential oils.

Rosemary Hair Oil Recipe

You can use this rosemary hair oil recipe to thicken your hair and to induce hair growth. To prepare it, mix 1/2 teaspoon lecithin, 1/2 oz. avocado oil, 2 oz. sweet almond oil and 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil in a bowl. Then add 15–20 drops of rosemary oil. Mix the oils together, then pour it into a jar or glass bottle and leave it for about an hour or so. Boil two glasses of water and put the bottle of oil into it to warm the oil up. You can massage the warm oil to your hair about 10 minutes before rinsing it. You can use this rosemary oil at least twice a week.

Another rosemary hair treatment recipe: Mix 1/4 cup of warm olive oil, 2 sprigs of dried rosemary and 5 drops of rosemary essential oil. Blend all these oils in a bowl of glass, strain and pour it into a glass bowl or dark tinted glass. Apply this mixture to the whole scalp then wrap your head with a towel. Leave it on for half an hour and then thoroughly wash it off.

Rosemary Oil Benefits for Hair

Rosemary oil is good for hair loss; frizzy, brittle, dry hair; and an oily scalp. Using rosemary oil for the hair will assist in cleansing the scalp from contamination and dirt and will stimulate hair growth. However, don’t use rosemary oil if you suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy or during pregnancy.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to Prepare Herbal Remedies for Hair Loss

Hair fall is not a new thing in human society, but recently it has become too common in women. With an understanding that beautiful hair is an essence of the beauty of women, this article shows you how to treat hair loss naturally — that is, with the use of herbs.

The following are hair-friendly herbs for the treatment of hair loss and how to prepare them as a hair loss remedy:

1.   Onion and honey. With a quarter of an onion, slice it into small cubes and rub on the balding area of the scalp. Leave on until some redness occurs. Next, rub in some honey. Adherents to this method say it will help boost circulation in your scalp and may facilitate hair growth.

2.   Fenugreek. Soak fenugreek in a deep pot of water throughout the night. Massage the liquid onto the scalp and wrap with a cloth for three hours. Repeat every day for one month.

3.   Apple cider vinegar and sage tea. Using apple cider vinegar and sage tea is also another method of treating hair loss. Make a mixture of sage tea and apple cider vinegar and wash your hair with it. You can also make another shampoo with aloe vera, coconut milk and a little wheat germ oil. Rinsing your hair with this mixture is also a good method of treating hair loss.

4.   Coconut oil and amla.  In a half cup of coconut oil, add some dry pieces of Indian gooseberry (amla). Boil the mixture for some time and then let it cool. Apply it to the scalp. This is very useful in preventing hair loss.

5.   Lemongrass. This herb helps stabilize oil production in the scalp. It also provides nourishment to the hair. You can use lemongrass oil for massage as well.

6.   Indian gooseberry (amla). Amla is regularly used by Indians to treat hair loss problems. It is a wonderful hair tonic. It is used in oil as well as shampoo and conditioners. If you can lay your hands on Indian gooseberry, extract its juice and mix it in same quantities with lime juice. Use this mixture to wash your hair.

The above-mentioned herbs not only contain properties that can treat hair loss, but are also very useful for scalp massage and aromatherapy. Aside from those herbs, the use of essential oils from bay, cedarwood, grapefruit, jojoba, lavender, lemon, rosemary or Roman chamomile are also commonly used to detoxify the scalp and to help in the reversal of hair loss. Most of these oils work best when mixed together with carrier oils. To increase the blood circulation, a regular massage must be done with the essential oils. The oils strengthen the hair follicles and regenerate hair growth.

Monday, September 19, 2011

5 Common Culprits of Hair Loss

So you thought it was your mom’s fault . . . Do not buy in the myth that your receding hairline is caused by your mom’s side of the family, it is simply not true. Medical science now knows that baldness comes from both sides of the family. But there is not just one single cause for baldness, there are actually 5 common causes for hair loss.
1. Disease – Loss of hair may occur as part of underlying diseases such as diabetes or lupus. Losing your hair may be an early sign of these diseases and a warning sign to seek treatment to determine the causes.
2. Medication – Hair loss can be contributed to some medications that are being taken such as blood thinners, antidepressants, medicines used in chemotherapy and gout. Usually this cause of hair loss is temporary and hair begins to grow back once medication is no longer taken.
3. Hair Chemicals – Hair relaxers contain very strong chemical and can break the hair internally. Hair coloring, which is already considered a health risk because of its ingredients PPD and lead acetate. Over-processing the hair using these harmful chemicals is one of the major reasons for hair loss.
4. Depression – Although depression itself may or may not cause loss of hair, the treatment for depression may be the underlying cause. Some antidepressants can have hair loss as a side effect of taking the medication.
5. Stress – Hair loss caused by stress usually occurs after severe stress such as surgery or illness. This is referred to as telogen effluvium and may take as long as 6 to 12 months to reverse. The stress of a pregnancy can cause hair loss because of the imbalanced hormone levels and the lowered protection levels.
So find out the root cause of your hair loss problem, then look for the best solutions to grow your hair back now.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hair Loss Myths: You Ought to Know Better

Every year millions of men—and women—experience the signs of hair loss and balding. Any time a person begins to have suspicions of baldness (fine hairs on the pillow or in the shower), the reasonable reaction is to seek a remedy or ‘cure’. There is a sea of rumors floating out there that attempt to explain the ‘root’ of the baldness problem—a problem that affects more than 30 percent of men and women by age 30. These myths are not only often a waste of time and money, they obfuscate the existing treatments that actually work to halt hair loss and promote hair regrowth.

This article will point out the irrelevance of these myths and give you the straight facts.

Myth 1: Genes for hair loss come only from the mother’s side of the family
Although the inheritance of balding and hair loss genes from the mother’s side is slightly stronger, androgenetic hair loss (pattern baldness) can be inherited from the mother’s side of the family, the father’s side, or both.

Myth 2: Men who are bald have high levels of testosterone
This myth falls into the same category as another familiar myth: ‘the size of a man’s hands or feet determines . . .’ Hair loss is caused by a greater sensitivity of hair follicles in some parts of the scalp to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) rather than to increased levels of testosterone. DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink (miniaturize) and eventually disappear. If elevated levels of testosterone were the problem, then all of a person’s body hair would be susceptible to hair loss—not just the areas on the crown and front of the scalp.

Myth 3: A sign of genetic baldness is seeing hair fall out
In contrast to popular belief, going bald is not due to massive amounts of hair falling out but rather by normal thick hair gradually being replaced by finer thinner hairs—a process resulting from miniaturization of hair follicles. If large patches of hair suddenly start falling out it, is time to see your doctor. This is not a sign of balding but rather a more serious medical problem.

Myth 4: Wearing hats makes you go bald
People who accuse their hats as being the cause of their hair loss think that wearing hats all the time prevents the scalp from breathing. Actually hair follicles get oxygen from the blood stream rather than from the air (much like how a plant gets water from its roots and not its leaves).

Sunday, September 4, 2011

10 Tips to Keep Those Tresses Growing Healthy

There are many ways to ensure that your hair grows healthy. Currently, many hair growth products are available on the market. These products promise hair growth and prevention of hair breakage. But aside from the use or application of these products, it is best to also be mindful of proper hair care practices.

Here are a few tips that will help you maintain or attain healthy hair growth:

1. Crash dieting should be completely avoided. Healthy hair growth is possible only with a balanced, healthy diet. Vitamins significantly aid in hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin A—like dairy products, fish, spinach, and apricots, among other items—provide good nourishment to the hair. Foods rich in vitamin B—including meat, fish, bananas, and green leafy vegetables—are also good for hair growth. Foods rich in vitamins E and C also aid in hair growth. These foods include citrus fruits, melons, tomatoes, potatoes, nuts, broccoli, and whole grains. Micronutrients like iron and zinc found in red meat also help hair growth.

2. You must treat your hair gently to help it grow. The way you comb or brush your hair is very important. If you have curly hair, which becomes tangled easily, use a conditioner. You should also avoid tugging hair vigorously. Treat your hair gently and allow them to grow, without straining your hair shafts. Tight cornrows and tight ponytails can damage your hair.

3. You might be using excellent, big-name hair growth products promoted by hair care experts. However, if you do not get a good night’s sleep, hair growth is bound to be hampered. Sleep is the only way that the body has to recharge its batteries. Sleep promotes not only hair growth, but hair regrowth as well.

4. To make hair grow faster, protect your locks from direct exposure to the sun. Excess exposure to the sun can cause a lot of damage to the hair follicles, resulting in dull and damaged hair. Too much heat and chemicals must also be avoided at all costs, if you wish to keep the hair roots and shafts intact.

5. Stress hinders hair growth. Psychological problems like depression and anxiety result in excessive hair loss. Try to stay happy and stress-free as much as possible.

6. Recent studies indicate that keeping your hair warm makes it grow faster. Factually, while hairs grow nearly half an inch during the summer months, hair growth decreases to less than half that length during the cold winter months.

7. Keep your hair clean. Dust, grime, and pollutants tend to damage hair. These damage-causing substances can be prevented by wearing a hat, scarf, and like accessories.

8. Use high-quality recommended hair growth products that contain vitamins and organic-based ingredients or herbal extracts. While direct vitamin intake from fruits and vegetables is the best way to go about hair growth, frequent use of a mild shampoo and moisturizer also helps hair grow faster.

9. Multivitamin and multimineral tablets are extremely beneficial. These are healthy, natural ways of promoting hair growth, saving multiple visits to the hair salon.

10. Damaged hair should be treated very carefully, that is, with the use of mild hair treatment products of natural formulation and not ones that contain synthetic or harsh chemicals.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What Really Works to Stop Hair Loss from Worsening

Baldness is a common occurrence, especially in men who have inherited the genetic trait to lose hair from one or both parents’ side of the family. While some men don’t seem to mind the loss of their hair, for others this is a somewhat traumatic experience. Millions of dollars are spent each year in an effort to prevent balding and to regrow hair. The Internet is full of advertisements for treatment products. There are also natural hair loss treatments and surgical procedures. Finally, the question many men are asking is, ‘Do any of them really work?’

The answer to whether there is any hair loss treatment that works is both yes and no. While there are treatments out there that do work, not all treatments work for every individual. Here are a few things that can help slow balding and even help to regrow hair in some individuals:

Bio-Cleansing Shampoo

Keeping your scalp clean through the use of the right shampoo is the foremost step to take in treating hair loss. The onset of hair loss is due to a scalp that is filled with grime, dirt, and excess sebum and oils. Hence, the start of the treatment ought to be cleaning the scalp as well. With a bio-cleansing shampoo—usually formulated with fennel and mistletoe extracts—the scalp can be rid of those 3 major hair loss–inducing substances.


Eating a healthy diet is necessary to keep our bodies in good health. Hair is part of our body and therefore needs the right vitamins and minerals to grow. Hair is made up mostly of protein and in some instances balding has been attributed to lack of protein in the diet. Obtaining protein from fish, chicken and other lean meats is believed to help prevent balding and possibly contribute to new growth. Other things your body needs to maintain healthy and growing hair is iron, vitamin C, vitamin B, silica, and zinc. Eating a healthy anti-aging diet is considered to be a good hair loss treatment.

Hair Loss Drugs

The hair loss treatment drugs finasteride and minoxidil are believed to have attained hair regrowth for 20–40 percent of users. On the other hand, once you stop using these, you’ll again start losing hair, so continuous use of these products are necessary to keep what you regrow. However, continuous use of finasteride and minoxidil can also cause harmful systemic effects such as swelling of the face and severe itching of the scalp (for minoxidil) and sexual dysfunction (for finasteride).

Hair Transplants

While transplants are considered a hair loss treatment, they don’t regrow hair. With hair transplants, healthy hair follicles are surgically moved to balding areas of the scalp. This surgical procedure, however, does not prevent the whole scalp from accumulating dormant hair follicles; thus, hair loss on other scalp areas can still be losing hair after the surgery.

While there is no hair loss treatment that will work for everyone, all is not hopeless as there are treatments that may slow the balding and even help regrow hair. By choosing a treatment with an informed decision, one or more of these treatments may greatly benefit you.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Top Hair Loss Treatment of 2011

With thousands of hair loss treatments on the market, it’s easy for consumers to feel overwhelmed by marketing, media and endorsements. Hair care consultant Geoff Hopkins simplifies the search for the best hair loss treatments. He thoroughly reviews dozens of products: their ingredients, prices and side effects. Through personal experience and with help from fellow consumers, Geoff has named this year’s most effective treatments for hair loss.

According to many hair loss product review sites, an organic-based suite of hair loss products for a hair loss treatment regimen is this year’s top-performing hair loss treatment. Not only is a hair treatment pack effective, it’s safe for men and women and it has no reported side effects. And compared to surgical hair restoration and many other hair loss treatments, a treatment pack is reasonably priced.

In clinical results, 87 percent of users saw a reduction or reversal of hair loss. It was proven to help stop the conversion of 5-alpha reductase and testosterone to DHT (hormone responsible for hair loss in men), increase hair’s elasticity, quality, and texture and stimulate blood circulation and nutrient availability in the hair follicles.

Along with Geoff’s review, the assessment sites provide consumers with information on dozens of the most popular treatments for hair loss. Geoff personally uses, rates and reviews many of the products. He combines his personal experience, extensive research and consumer reviews to bring users the most accurate information on hair loss treatments.

‘Thousands of men and women in the United States are plagued by the insecurity and embarrassment that come with hair loss’, says Geoff. ‘While some over-the-counter hair loss treatments work, consumers may not understand the risks or results of the products they buy. Sites offering reviews of hair loss products and treatments are there to educate and empower consumers. It’s designed to help them find treatments for hair loss that work.

Each of Geoff’s reviews includes:

• the product’s main ingredients and whether they’re effective,
• directions on how to use the product,
• general pricing of the product,
• comments and reviews from fellow consumers, and
• where and how to purchase the product.

Most of these review sites also include an open forum where consumers can share their experiences with various treatments for hair loss. The forum acts as a medium for consumers to ask questions, leave feedback and voice their opinions on different products. It provides buyers with a personal perspective as an alternative to advertising and media.

‘It’s like talking to a friend about the product that worked (or didn’t work) for them’, says Geoff Hopkins. ‘No pressure, no phony marketing and no confusion, just answers to help you with your hair loss concerns’.

New consumer reviews consistently update these sites to keep the information on the top-rated hair loss treatments current and relevant. Users may visit these review sites to find the latest reviews of popular treatments for hair loss.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Leimo Laser Comb Engenders the Bedrock of Authentic Leaders

How successful you become is mostly up to you. Success also depends on how you're perceived by others. Numerous studies have revealed looks can impact career advancement. Some say physical appearance matters even more to employers than a cover letter. 

Researchers have found that hair, facial structure, and weight can all affect our paychecks. In the corporate world, there's a lot of emphasis on image, and image goes with self-confidence. A lot of people invest money in improving their looks because they feel this is one way they can go up the corporate ladder. This holds true especially for those without a full head of hair. 

The Leimo laser comb is recognized as the modern-day best hair loss treatment. Its low-level laser therapy (LLLT) promotes better blood circulation by expanding the capillaries and veins on the scalp. The laser and Light-Emitting Diode (LED) restore the scalp’s cells and hair follicles in the dermis. It massages blood vessels with the stimulating bar made of urethane rubber. Laser therapy is applied after shower, on a towel-dried hair. It is placed on the scalp for approximately 5-20 seconds then move 1cm either to the sides, front or back in a stepping motion to cover the entire affected area.

One advantage of using the Leimo Personal Hair Laser is that the user is able to perform hair loss treatment in the privacy of his or her own home or office. The fact that the Leimo Personal Hair Laser is portable means a lot to those hair loss sufferers who are very private about their hair loss treatment.
One of the most striking selling points regarding the Leimo Personal Hair Laser is that laser therapy that was previously only available in hair transplant clinics is now a treatment that one could perform in their own home. While the laser comb usually runs several hundred dollars, it would save money in the long run compared to laser treatments received in a clinic.

The Leimo laser comb should be used daily until the desired results are reached, then use can become more infrequent and mainly for maintenance mode for a few times a week. Results from using the Leimo Personal Hair Laser are typically noticed within the first 3 to 6 months, with maximum results being attained after 12 to 24 months. Over time, all users—men and women— usually notice progressively increasing benefits as they use the Leimo laser comb. However, it is important to continue its usage as once usage stops, the hair and scalp condition will regress to their original problematic state. 

In the advent of the Leimo Laser Comb, hair loss sufferers are far from imagining that appearance is a personal matter. Successful people perceive that looking your best engenders self-confidence, a trait considered by many as the bedrock of authentic leaders.